Dream + Build

“Let’s Dream and Build Together”

Small Business + Entrepreneurial Coaching

Whether your goal is to create a secondary revenue stream, “quit your day job,” or work through a road block, Dream & Build can help you achieve your goals.  Through one on one sessions or fully immersive consulting, I will help you develop ideas, offer insights and tips, share experiences, and help connect the dots you may need to move in the direction of your dreams.  

In my experience, there is nothing more valuable than critical, real insights from an outsider. 

“Let’s Dream and Build together.” 


Contact Us


Dream It, Build It, Grow It


Dream it.


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.


Build it.


Maybe you already have an Idea and are ready to launch a business but don’t know where or how to start. Or maybe you need help turning your Idea into a business and business plan.


Grow it.


An outsiders perspective is invaluable no matter the situation. Perhaps you have a small business and need guidance in how to grow it. Or maybe you cannot see the forest through the trees. We can work together to find creative solutions to help you get to where you want to be.

Session Ideas

Getting Started


We can work with you to help get your ideas into motion.



If you already have a small business and are looking for outside input on how to grow, or scale.



If you already have a business and are looking for specific input or guidance on a specific topic

Get in Touch

Send me an email to set up a free 10 min consult.